Campus Ministry

28 09 2007

I never thought that we would be attempting to begin a campus ministry before our first service at The Point. It seemed like something we might do next school year, but God has opened up some pretty major doors and is placing key people on several campuses.

It looks like we will begin 3 Chi Alpha’s in the next several weeks:
1. SUNY Old Westbury
2. Nassau Community College
3. Molloy College

There is also another local college that has a strong campus ministry. We are talking now about the possibility of me helping their ministry. I’ll let you know the school if everything becomes a go!

It is our goal to place a Chi Alpha on every campus in the Westbury area (or join with already established, like minded ministries). We may have 4 campuses in the first few months of establishing The Point! This is God!

LIFE LESSON: Expect the unexpected with God!

A Check from God

25 09 2007

Wow. This has been a wild ride in starting this new church. We still have three weeks to go and a lot of ground to cover. Not everything has come easily, in fact, most of the accomplishments we have had required lots of work. Every so often God throws a “gimme” at you.

Several months ago I got somewhat connected to Mark Batterson, pastor of National Community Church (Washington, DC), and I asked if he would be willing to get behind the Point financially. He said, “We can’t at this time.” But he directed me to a trust that he works with. I sent in the application and waited … Yesterday, I received a check for $2000.00!

This was a check from God. In church planting it can be discouraging and overwhelming, often. This was one of those weeks. God used this and a bunch of other things to remind me that building the church is HIS IDEA and He will provide everything we need.

“It is not by might or power, but by God’s Spirit.”

100 Doors

24 09 2007

Today Malachi (my son) and I decided to hang some door hangers. We got started at about 12:15 pm … and hoofed it it until about 1:45 pm. In that hour and a half we hit about 100+ homes. Not too bad for a 34 year old and a 3 year old!!!

Then we decided to go to the Park for “Father and Son” time. Little did we know that God had additional plans. Malachi loves to swing. As Malachi was swinging a 10 month old came walking up to us. We stopped swinging and Malachi began to play with this young little girl. I started to speak with her Aunt and then I was introduced to the baby girl’s mother and father. We spoke for the next 30 minutes and exchanged information. I pray that this wonderful family will discover The Point with us! About 20 minutes later I was able to speak with a “Grandfather” who brought his grand-daughter. Another great connection.

I was reminded that I am a FULL-TIME CHRISTIAN. 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to always be ready to share your faith. This was a GREAT DAY as my son saw his daddy share the most valuable part of my life with others.

Pray for Don & Kaylee – and – Joe, Nicole, & Tracy!

Why Not!

17 09 2007

Negativity. It is almost as if our nature is negative. Wired into our DNA is this little virus called negativity. Have you ever heard something really good about someone or something and you said, “But …” or “Did you know …” Yeah, we have probably all been there. Being negative is a drain – on yourself and others. In fact, most people do not want to be around negative people.

This whole process of starting The Point is a whirlwind. Someone said recently to me – “Wouldn’t it be amazing if God sent a revival to Long Island through The Point?” Why not! I pray that God would use this new church to reach many people with the life-changing power of Jesus.

Why Not! This is the thought that was in my hand this week as we started our promotion/evangelism campaign in the Westbury area.

Here’s the bullets:
1. Mass Evangelism – we placed hundreds of door hangers on houses – Why Not!
2. Servant Evangelism – we gave out 75 breakfast bars this morning and a hundred or more invite cards – Why Not!
3. Car Evangelism – we have put invite cars on parking lots at the train station – the movie theater – and shopping centers – Why Not! (BTW – we do not believe cars can become followers of Christ.)

Your outlook determines your outcome! I believe that The Point is a God-thing that has become my thing that I hope becomes your thing! My outlook is extremely positive. “No eye has seen. No ear has heard what God has planned for those that love Him.”

The One Month Countdown

14 09 2007

The countdown begins. In exactly one month we will kick-off our 1st service at The Point. It is hard to believe that we started planning for launch way back in February. I thought the day would never come. Now it seems as though we are in hyper-speed. No turning back. No slowing down. It almost seems like we are launching the Space Shuttle. We are in the shuttle and we are running our system tests. I can’t wait to hear, “All systems go.”

There have been a plethora of feelings on this wild ride of starting this new church: excitement, fear, nervousness, expectation, hope, anxiety, and so many other emotions.

Here are the things that drive me as we are about to launch:
1. I firmly believe this is what I was made for. I think that everyone was made to do something in life. For me, this is it!
2. Jesus is still relevant. Jesus cares and His Word, the Bible, contains answers to life. Jesus still matters and makes a difference in people’s lives.
3. Lost people matter to God. God loved the world so much that He sent his Son to bring them back into a right relationship. People that don’t know God still matter to God.
4. God builds the church. This is his mission. My mission is to do what He has asked. “It is not by might or power, but by God’s Spirit” (Zech 4:6).

As we near the launch of The Point please pray and show up on October 14. Invite a friend with you. It is our desire to build a church that people are so proud of that they will invite friends and family!