Sun Stand Still

22 09 2010

I am ripping through SUN STAND STILL by Steven Furtick.  Awesome read!

Amazing One Liner:
“If the size of your vision for your life isn’t intimidating to you,
there’s a good chance it’s insulting to God.”

It’s in your face, bold and fresh.

A must read!!!

Currently Reading: "A Man of God"

27 01 2009


Have you ever read the beginning of a book only to get distracted and never finish it?  This has happened to me several times in the course of 14 years of ministry.  As a pastor one of the things people always give is books.  That’s the case of the book I have re-started by Jack Graham, “A Man of God.”  What a book?  I am glad that I picked it up again!

There is one overall truth that run throughout this book.  It is Matthew 10:25.  “It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher.”

I have had to ask myself the question:  “Am I like my teacher?  Am I truly like Jesus?”

My personal prayer for 09 is simply that my “proximity to God” would be my highest priority!!!

Book Review: "Wild Goose Chase"

20 08 2008

Mark Batterson, lead pastor @ National Community Church in Washington, DC, released his new book Wild Goose Chase this week.  Mark calls it his prequel to his best-selling book, In a Pit With a Lion on a Snowy Day (I read that book 3 times).

Batterson subtitles the book, “Reclaim the Adventure of Pursuing God.”  This book is a process for the reader to discover the plans that God has designed for their life.  The book is well-written, creative and will keep your interest for its entirety!  Mark’s style of writing is captivating and his stories are compelling.  Mark is more than a “one-hit wonder.”  He has proved that an author can write a back to back book of quality!
Batterson shares that pursuing God is halted by one or more of several cages:
  1. Cage of responsibility
  2. Cage of routine
  3. Cage of assumptions
  4. Cage of guilt
  5. Cage of failure
  6. Cage of fear
Each chapter breaks these cages into thought-provoking concepts that require action.  It is not a self-help book.  It is a book that will inspire you to listen to God’s Spirit as he directs your steps.  I highly recommend this book to Christians, non-Christians, pastors, leaders, business owners.  It will change your life!  It did mine!
” … most people don’t start living until long after the date stamped on their birth certificate … until we come out of whatever cage holds us back, we will live unfruitful and unfulfilled lives.  But start chasing the Wild Goose and you will come alive in ways you never previously experienced.  Real life and real adventure begin the moment you are born of the Spirit and begin chasing the Wild Goose …” (p. 165).
One final note:  I have followed Mark Batterson for a long time.  He is more than an author.  There are a lot of guys that write about stuff.  The difference with Mark and lot of other authors is he truly lives it.  He is chasing the lion and the wild goose!  And he fully supports others on the chase … he has supported me on my hunt!  Thanks for another ministry-changing book!
Purchase the book:  Wild Goose Chase
Mark Battersons Blog:  Evotional